Fire Alarms
Main Street Fire and Safety
We Offer Full Spectrum Service on Fire Alarms
Installation, Testing, Repairs, and Upgrades

We at Main Street Fire and Safety don’t shy away from tough unusual jobs.
Whatever you need serviced, wherever you need service, we will be there to get the job done not only right but safely with a smile.
Heat & Smoke Detectors, Pull Stations and Bells
in Industrial Buildings and Locations

From Apartments to Office Buildings, Storefronts to Restaurants.
You can count on us to make sure your systems and devices are always up to code and in tiptop shape so you can always count on them to go off when needed.
Heat & Smoke Detectors, Pull Stations and Bells In Commercial Buildings

There are few things more important than the contents of our homes, especially our loved ones.
Making sure your fire safety equipment is functional and up to code is crucial if a fire were to start in your home; to assist you in putting it out safely or at least alert everyone in time.

Heat & Smoke Detectors in Homes and New Builds